ClipGenerate (Batch Audio File Processor)

If you distribute digital audio files via the internet at some point you'll need to create shortened versions of these audio files for playing as samples. ClipGenerate is a Windows based batch file processor which generates shortened versions of audio files including fading in and fading out at the start and end of each file.

Using ClipGenerate is simplicity its self. Create the list of source files on the Source Files tab (both WAV and AIF files of 8, 16 and 24 bit at any sample rate are supported). Then set the output folder, start time, end time, fade in length and fade out length on the Output Files tab and click the Generate button. The output files that are generated are of the same format, bit depth and sample rate as the source files. Any source files which do not fit the output file parameters (e.g. shorter than the duration specified by the start and end times) are ignored. If no fade in or fade out are required simply set the appropriate time to zero. The demo version of the software allows only one source file to be specified and the output file parameters are fixed.

Source Files Tab
Source Files Tab
Output Files Tab
Output Files Tab

In order to buy ClipGenerate simply download the Demo version and then register it via this web site. The cost to register is £24. ClipGenerate requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later and Windows XP or later. Please contact software for further information.

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