DrumFix (Drum Replacement Software)

Recording professional quality multitrack drum performances is allways a difficult task. In an age when so much music is recorded in home studios with less than perfect accoustics, the temptation to reach for the drum machine is all to strong. What can be done when the performance is inspired but the quality of the recording isn't?

DrumFix is a stand-alone Windows based application which allows the percussive hits in a mono WAV or AIF file, such as a snare or kick drum track, to be replaced with the audio from another mono WAV or AIF file such as a professionally recorded sample. Velocity Maps can be created and saved independantly with upto 4 velocity layers so that all the accenting in the original audio file can be maintained. The Velocity Map can then be recalled later and applied to any suitable audio file. A collection of maps covering kick drum, snare drum and tom-toms are supplied. Facilities are provided for automatically detecting percussive hits in a file as well as identifying them manually.

DrumFix is not a plug-in. It is a stand-alone offline processing application. We believe that this is by far the best way of undertaking this kind of processing since realtime plug-ins can easily misinterrpret complex audio files and so give undesired results. Version 3 allows hits to be exported as a standard MIDI file and also supports AIF files.

Velocity Map
Velocity Map
Replace Hits
Replace Hits

Listen to the Before and After sample audio files and hear for yourself what a difference this application can make. These are an obvious live drum performance simply used to illustrate the sound replacing capabilities of DrumFix. The software does not fix timing errors! The 'After' sample has had kick drum and snare drum replaced with DrumFix. Download the demo version and try it on your own recordings. The demo version has file saving removed and audio playback is limited to 10 seconds.

In order to buy DrumFix simply download the Demo version and then register it via this web site. The cost to register is £42. DrumFix requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later and Windows XP or later. Please contact software for further information.

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